Acceptance terms

Private persons can hand over up to 8 PC tyres per year without any fee. Privat persons, who want to hand over larger quantities or truck and specialo tyres and all companies, organizations and governmental institutions can hand over tyres only with our delivery note. When applying for the note please send our logistic ( the following info:

    1. The name of the person/entity wishing to hand over tyres
    2. The business address of the person/entity wishing to hand over tyres
    3. The contact persons name, mobile phone and e-mail of the person/entity wishing to hand over tyres
    4. To which collection point the person/entity wishes to bring tyres
    5. The type and quantity of the tyres (approx. q-ty in pcs):
      1. PC, SUV & LT tyres;
      2. Truck and bus tyres;
      3. OTR and special tyres;
      4. Other tyres (ATV, bike, bicycle, etc)


NB!  We don't accept:

  1. tyres on rims (please let them be dismounted in the nearest tyreshop)
  2. polluted tyres (ground, sand, stones or simply garbage inside the tyres)
  3. mixed loads – tyres have to be sorted according to the categories listed in p. 5 above. If, for instance, you have mostly PC tyres and a few other tyres then load the latter as last ones, so when arriving to the collection point you can pusk them off from the top of the load and then dump the main load into the designated heap..
  4. rubber- and hydraulic hoses, rubber mats and other rubber items. We accept ONLT TYRES.


Fill the delivery note application form

NB!    For up to 8 pcs of PC, SUV & LT tyres private persons don't have to apply for the delivery note.
